Ward/Unit Philosophy of Care
Our patients are important to us:
We aim to work collaborately with patients, families and other health care professions in the delivery of high standards of care that incorporates each individual’s needs, dignity and beliefs.
We aim to act as effective educators by using honest and open communication with patients and their families encouraging them to be involved in the provision of care in order to promote understanding with informed decisions about conditions and treatments.
We aim to maintain, develop and enhance our care by continually updating our skills and knowledge through training and educational developments/research.
We aim to provide high standards of holistic care in a friendly, professional, clean and relaxed environment.
Clinical Nurse Specialists:
Liver Specialists Nurse
Upper GI Nurse Specialists Nurse
Palliative Care Team
Complex Care Team​​​
IBD Team
Mental Health Liaison Team
​Dietician Team
Speech & Language Team
Nutrition Support Nurse ​
Learning opportunities e.g.: speciality, procedures
Opportunities to develop new skills and knowledge in assessing, managing and evaluating care of patients with a wide variety of gastroenterology conditions.
Good communication skills with the multi disciplinary team (MDT) in the coordination of holistic care and discharge planning.
Observation and participation in medical/nursing procedures and investigations e.g. endoscopic procedures, paracentesis, NG/PEG/Jejunostomy management.
Opportunities to gain knowledge/exposure to the hospital Alcohol Liaison team and other Gastroenterology professionals.
Holistic care planning, implementation and evaluation for patients with Gastro conditions and substance misuse.
Aseptic techniques.
Inter personal skills.
Discharge planning.
Care of the terminally ill patient and their families.
Alternative feeding methods, PEG, PEJ, jejunostomy, TPN
Learning Environment Manager (LEM):
Lesley Swale lesley.swale@nhs.net and Natalie Childs natalie.childs@nhs.net