Older Persons Team
Aims & Objectives of the team
Aim: To improve the overall experience for the Older Person in Hospital.
To ensure the Dementia Assessment Target is met each month.
Basic Diagnostic assessment (AMT)
Referrals to other services
Reduce length of stay (Collateral Histories, Information Gathering)
Facilitate links between the patient and outside agencies
Improve the information given to the person living with dementia and their families/carers
Improve collaborative working between trust & outside agencies
Educate & increase awareness of Dementia to all staff within the trust
Enhanced Nurse Support Team
The aim of the enhanced support team (EST) is to provide a service to in-patient areas
that supports the current nursing care given.
It provides enhanced support to patients with a wide variety of medical problems including
dementia, delirium and frailty.
The EST ensures the safety of patients whilst simultaneously providing interventions to
minimise distress or risk of harms caused by being in the hospital environment.
The EST is made up of a group of specially trained Healthcare assistants led by our Matron.
If a patient is identified as needing enhanced nursing support (previously known as 1 to 1) a referral is made to our team (or the on site matron out of hours). We would then provide continuing support and assessment of the continued need on a daily basis.
The patient will be reviewed by ourselves and members of the senior nursing team. We will then allocate a member of the EST depending on highest clinical need, patient safety and staff availability.
Duties of the EST HCA:
Individualised essential care
Talking to and engaging with the patient: providing reassurance, orientation and providing therapeutic interventions e.g. walking, reminiscence.
Liaise with relatives/carers and involve them in the care provided including completion of the ‘This is Me’ document.
Liaise with the MDT and qualified nurse regarding specific care needs. Provide a full verbal handover to the person taking over care including changes/triggers/care needs.
Provide consistency of care by following the patient on their journey to other areas.
Provide a level of support beneficial to the patient which may include going outside, playing a game etc.
Complete the Enhanced Care Bundle (minimum of hourly).
The HCA may be providing support 1:1, 1:2 or to a cohort of patients.
ALWAYS work under the guidance of the qualified nurse responsible for the patient.
Other agencies/links/partnerships and useful contacts
Adult care: ext 2169
Mental Health Liaison Team (MHLT): ext 2572
Red Cross Home from Hospital: ext 5525
Falls Partnership Team: 07854414799
Weekend discharge team: Bleep 768
Safeguarding Adults: ext 3544, bleep 560
Care Co-Ordinators & Community Matrons: (attached to GP practices)
Library: www.librarycrhft.co.uk (lots of useful information on dementia resources including reminiscence kits, useful websites etc), ext 3035
Alzheimers Society: www.alzheimers.org.uk
Age UK: www.ageuk.org.uk
Making Space: www.makingspace.co.uk
Telephone:01246 592010,
email: derbyshiredementia.service@makingspace.co.uk (making space visit the hospital every Tuesday to provide support and information to people living with dementia, their families, carers and hospital staff.They also provide support and activity groups throughout Derbyshire).