Medical Day Case Unit
Directorate: Medicine & Emergency Care Division
Placement Area: Medical Day Case Unit / Suite 4 / NGS
Contact us : 01246 513577
Matron: Beth Clarke
LEM: Carley Aston
The Medical Day Care Unit is functional in two areas of the hospital; Suite 4 Outpatient area & the NGS Macmillan Unit. The operational hours are as follows:
MDCU Suite 4:
Mon, Weds, Fri - 08:00-20:30
Tues - 08:30-16:30
Mon to Fri - 08:30-16:30
Wed - 09:00-17:00
Learning Opportunities:
All aspects of the nursing role
Individualised nursing care
Communication skills
Bloods transfusion skills
Participation in medical procedures & investigations
Learning advanced procedures (e.g. faecal transplant, capsule endoscopy)
Additional Areas / Links to MDT
X-Ray department
Blood Bank
Pathology Laboratories
Outpatient Clinics
Nurse Specialists
Learning Resources
Resource packs
Specialist equipment instructions
Posters / Diagrams
Open learning packages/resources