Early Supportive Discharge (ESD)
Based in the Speedwell unit
Welcome to your placement here with the ESD team, we are an outreach therapy team that supports stroke patients on discharge from Eastwood stroke unit and surrounding hospitals for patients with a Derbyshire GP.
The ESD team is made up of Nurses, Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists and Speech and Language Therapists. Also we have access to a stroke consultant and social services input for reablement care packages. We are all specialists in stroke care and are linked to the team based on Eastwood ward

Throughout this placement you will get to experience the different roles of the MDT team and the discharge process of stroke patients. It will also highlight many of the difficulties patients experience after stroke and how it can also affect partners and family members.
Working Hours are Monday to Friday 08:30 - 16:30. This does vary from time to time but your PS will discuss this with you as our work load can be very changeable. Your time will be spent between nursing staff and the therapy team to ensure you experience as much as possible to gain an insight of MDT working
The Role of the Physiotherapist within ESD
Physiotherapists on the early supportive discharge team assess patients mobility/ transfers and function around their home, they also assess if the patient is able to access their garden and community setting if appropriate.
The Physiotherapists works closely with the whole MDT to work towards a patient's specific stroke rehab goals over a 6 week period.
If further Physiotherapy is required beyond the 6 weeks of ESD patients are the referred onto the appropriate community services/teams.

The Role of Occupational Therapy within ESD
Occupational therapists support/ treat stroke victims with disabilities through therapeutic use of everyday activities. They help stroke patients develop, recover, improve as well as maintain the skills needed for daily living and working. Daily tasks include washing and dressing, meal and drink preparation, managing finances, managing medication, shopping and laundry.
The Occupational therapists work closely alongside the MDT to assess/ order useful equipment to support patients to carry out functional tasks within the home environment.
If further occupational therapy is required at the end of the 6 weeks, patients will be referred onto appropriate community services.