Pallative care rotation including the Breast Care Team

During your placement you will spend the Thursday with the Secondary Breast Care Nurses. We look after patient who have secondary breast cancer and also patients who are having neo-adjuvant and adjuvant therapies. These include chemotherapy, Anti-HER2 treatments, Targeted therapies and Immunotherapy.
You will gain an insight into our roles which will include be able to see us assess patients on the ward or in A&E, perform telephone consultations, support calls, liaise with oncologists and other MDT members. We refer to Ashgate Hospice, Palliative care, OT, Physio, Welfare and Benefits, Macmillan Information Centre and Breast Cancer Now.
You will attend a MDT meeting where we discuss diagnostic, therapeutic and radiology for all breast cancer patients. The MDT consists of Surgeons, Radiologists, oncologists, breast care nurses and MDT co-ordinator.