About CRH
Information on the local area
The many ways that you can access work experience at CRH

Meet The Team
The Centre for Practice Learning (CPL) Team is based within the Education Centre.
We are a growing team of 11 staff form different health professional and NHS backgrounds.
One of our main responsibilities is to ensure our clinical placements are suitable for all non-medical learners coming to the trust and that those staff supporting the learners a suitably prepared.
The other is to ensure all non medical learners attending the trust on a placement are prepared, induction, offered learning opportunities to meet the requirements of their programme and also well supported throughout their placement and though to qualification.
We do this by:
Ensuring we have adequate placement capacity for all learners, from all non medical courses agreed as part of the Derbyshire Placement Learning groups for all professions.
Offer high-quality, audited, practice placement experiences for all learners ranging from pre grad diploma through to post graduate study.
Offer Inter-professional learning opportunities across the organisation including student teaching events and forums.
Provide a service which provides support, guidance, teaching, one on one working or support, myepad/pebblepad support at point of care, 7am - 6pm weekdays with our Practice Learning Educators in all fields of nursing, midwifery, physio, OT and SLT.
Work closely with our Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) partners to ensure the placements meet the requirements of the programmes, developing our working relationship to offer all our learners great support.
Ensuring that our staff are suitable prepared to support students effectively (Practice Supervisions/Practice Assessors/Educators).
Promoting the NHS as a career option by attending local careers events.
Providing placement opportunities/work experience for individuals across the organisation.
If you would like any further information, please do not hesitate to contact the team.

Contact us at crhft.practicelearningeducator@nhs.net
or 01246 51 6209 for any student issues, queries or support.
If your query is about Elective placements or allocations please contact crhft.centreforpracticelearning@nhs.net

Student/Staff Info.
When it comes to supporting students, there are many roles within CRH that staff can play. Each role comes with its own responsibilities:
Click Here for more information about these roles
Useful Links
The following links may prove useful for your development and understanding of clinical placements: